
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

These transactions involve the acquisition of companies or parts of companies, including shares, company assets or specific lines of business. Cross-border M&A are transactions carried out on an international level: the countries most targeted by Italian companies are the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany and France.

Private equity (PE)

Entry into capital can lead to increased competitive strength from the perspective of strategy, governance, and innovation. All transactions are generally conducted with the assistance of specialists in the finance and legal professions.

Post-merger integration

This is the most delicate stage and offers the greatest opportunities to achieve long-term benefits. It is the process of combining and reorganizing companies to realize efficiencies and synergies. It needs upfront planning, a skilled team, and monitoring of progress and adaptation.

Due Diligence

Is a thorough investigation conducted to evaluate a business or investment prior to a business deal, to identify concrete risks and opportunities and the actual capabilities of the organization. In the case of crossborder transactions, legal, tax and operational complexities increase.


Segmentation in B2B business refers to the process of dividing a market of business customers into smaller, defined groups based on common characteristics or needs. This helps to more effectively target your marketing efforts, personalize messages, understand needs, improve customer satisfaction, and focus resources on segments with greater potential.

Category Management

This is a strategic approach that focuses on managing product categories as strategic business units (SBUs). The goal is to maximize sales opportunities and profit through optimized assortment management while meeting customer needs. It helps keep the complexity of product diversity under control and optimize the supply chain.

Omnichannel Sales

Omnichannel sales in B2B tech is the coordinated use of various sales and service channels and related touchpoints to provide customers with an immediate, integrated and seamless buying experience, both online and offline. This involves the integration and alignment of direct contact with digital services and enabling technologies such as web, CRM, e-mail and chatbots, contributing to increased customer loyalty.

Customer Care

Customer Care in the technical B2B sector includes all services offered to customers before, during, and after purchase, such as clarification, information, complaint handling, and warranties. These services aim to improve communication between the company and customers and solve problems. They require specific competencies and resources that enable customers to find answers on their own, as well as structured management of information and interactions, with continuous optimization and the use of latest generation technologies.


Aftersales services include activities such as assembly and installation, customer support, returns and complaints handling, diagnostics for installed equipment, contracts for scheduled maintenance, and training. By analyzing data on machines and their production processes, more accurate maintenance plans can be developed and product quality improved. Such practices aim to improve operational efficiency, increase customer satisfaction, and create new business opportunities.


Motivate and inspire people toward a common goal, generating a motion that contributes to the progress and growth of the company. Cultivate the ability to self-organize to produce results within the required timeframe and with the required quality, while complying with rules and regulations. Communicate effectively and connect with others, with empathy and pleasure in relationship. Analyze and synthesize information, solve problems, handle conflict and criticism/feedback, and promote learning. Support people’s growth by leading by example, valuing strengths and aligning efforts toward business goals. Discipline, perseverance, loyalty, courage and a strong work ethic.

Corporate governance

Represents the set of rules, practices and processes that establish how a company is directed and controlled. It aims to balance the interests of all stakeholders, including shareholders, managers, customers, suppliers, and the employee community. Governance focuses on transparency, accountability, safety, and business ethics. Governance effectiveness is assessed through board evaluation, performance indicators related to business processes and financial health, regulatory compliance, audits of risk management systems, and alignment with sustainability goals.

Workforce Management

This approach refers to a set of processes and tools that enable companies to optimize employee productivity. This includes work scheduling, shift management. Quality Management (TQM), Lean Management and Kaizen are management approaches closely related to organizational development, involving people at all levels.

Business Process Management (BPM)

Business Process Management (BPM) is an organizational approach focused on business process management. The goal of BPM is to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and agility of business operations by analyzing, measuring, improving, and optimizing business processes, considering the entire end-to-end workflow. To reduce bureaucracy, digital solutions can be implemented through which business activities and document flows can be automated and integrated, while also innovating authorization paths.

Organizational development

It is a systematic process that aims to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and adaptability of companies, including those of medium and small size. It considers the interactions among individuals, groups, organizations, technology, environment and time, as well as existing communication patterns, value structures, power constellations and processes within the organization. Total Quality Management (TQM), Lean Management and Kaizen are management approaches closely related to organizational development, involving people at all levels.

Change management

This is a methodical approach to change in individuals, groups, organizations, and societies that facilitates the transition from a current situation to a desired future one. Change management theories originate from psychology, business/economics, and management engineering. Specific tools and processes are available to identify and manage the human impact of a transition, which may be triggered by innovations or changes in operational management. This may involve the adoption of new attitudes, technologies and processes. However, to make a transformation a reality, it is essential to have a defined strategy, as well as broad participation and motivation on the part of those involved.

Performance Management

Business performance management: a process aimed at enhancing the efficiency of employees, teams and the organization. This system consists of several steps: setting clear objectives, continuously monitoring performance, evaluating results, and implementing corrective measures where necessary. The goal is to objectively assess and quantify individual and team performance, promoting professional development in line with the company’s strategic goals. Fundamental is constant dialogue between managers and employees to set expectations and provide regular feedback, using advanced software and established methodologies for effective performance management.

Turnaround Management

It is the process of restructuring and realignment of companies that are going through an economic crisis. It involves analyzing the company’s situation, developing and implementing strategies to restore profitability, and often implementing structural changes to the enterprise. Experts in this field are usually professionals who possess in-depth knowledge of business management, finance and operational processes. They work closely with company management to plan and implement the necessary changes and-usually-leave the company as soon as the restructuring is completed.

Lean e Smart Factory

Lean Manufacturing aims to minimize waste and refine production flows, with the intention of increasing customer value through the efficient use of resources and the elimination of waste. On the other hand, the Smart Factory, or intelligent factory, represents a digitized and interconnected manufacturing ecosystem that leverages innovative technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), next-generation automation and cyber-physical systems (CPS). The integration of these two philosophies results in a manufacturing model that is not only efficient and waste-free but is also equipped with technological advancements that enable agile adaptability to dynamic market changes and specific customer demands. Lean and Smart factories form the beating heart of Industry 4.0 and anticipate the trends of Industry 5.0, geared toward greater customization and sustainability.

Operational Excellence (OpEx)

Operational Excellence (OpEx) represents a business management paradigm focused on continuous improvement. It is based on the establishment of an organizational culture where managers and employees are actively involved in the achievement of business goals and can drive change. OpEx goals include continuous improvement of business performance, reduction of operational costs and associated risks, and increase in service quality and business competencies. This method begins with a cultural transformation that engages every member of the organization, not only in producing high-quality products, but also in ensuring excellent customer experiences.

Lean e digital transfomation

The relationship between these two spheres of intervention is inherently synergistic and complementary. Lean-focused on optimizing processes by eliminating waste and improving workflow-can be significantly enhanced by adopting digital technologies as part of Industry 4.0. In fact, digital transformation is effectively achieved when the company pursues waste reduction. Lean provides a methodological framework for identifying and eliminating waste, while digital transformation provides the technological tools to implement these improvements more efficiently and at scale.